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    Lesson 8 EXERCISES
    本文由【中文word文档库】www.wordwendang.com 搜集整理.中文word文档库免费提供海量教学资料、行业资料、范文模板、应用文书、考试学习和社会经济等word文档
    I .
    1)An interactive life of the future will be extremely convenient and productive, and a huge amount of information will be available at the touch of a button, everything from airline schedules to esoteric scientific journals to video versions of Broadway.
    2)Stepping into the past makes us well aware of the great difference between the past and the present. And the present will become the past of the future ,so we can imagine what the future will be.
    3)Since anyone can record news with a video-camera and put it on the universal network for everybody else to see, there is no longer any need for news anchorman like Peter Jennings.
    4)If you want to see a film, you don't need to rent a tape and play it on your VCR. Instead, you may pick one from the catalog shown on the TV and phone the library to have it beamed to you. Those game fans may do it in the same way by contacting another electronic library which has a large number of video tapes with recordings of the actual shootings and killings seen in video game shops. Those who want to do shopping at home do not need to look through catalogs published by clothing companies. They may watch video catalogs with models displaying clothes of the newest fashion from various angles.
    5)It is not considered genuine interactivity because it is not novel enough with but one step beyond passive viewing. It is still the traditional form of sitting on the couch watching.
    6)That means a viewer has access to thousands of channels delivered through some combination of cable, telephone, satellite and cellular networks, which provide data from computer-based archives and information services.
    7)Because a user might stand in front of a monitor receiver and just talk and listen, communicating with whatever or whomever some distance away.
    8)It means an act or condition of moving towards the same place, result.


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