范围:远东:10-12 4000Voc:p74-p81 Dixon L31-33 班级_______座号________姓名____________
代码 03
I,听力 15%
II,文意字汇 15%
16.( ) You had better _____ the doctor's advice if you want to get well more quickly.
(A) complete (B) follow (C) measure (D) require
17.( ) This _____ house was made of timber of fine quality, so it cost a lot.
(A) woolen (B) metal (C) wooden (D) straw
18.( ) Our _____ plan was to go camping, but in the end we decided to stay in a hotel.
(A) global (B) original (C) traditional (D) artificial
19.( ) Gold is a precious _____; it is expensive.
(A) ribbon (B) metal (C) meter (D) candy
20.( ) The _____ line is the shortest distance between two points.
(A) stingy (B) separate (C) straight (D) sticky
21.( ) It rained suddenly and our plans for going on a picnic were _____.
(A) remained (B) refined (C) ruined (D) replied
22.( ) Walking under the hot sun for hours, he began to _____ and felt very thirsty.
(A) sweat (B) glide (C) appear (D) press
23.( ) After the election, people hope that the streets in the city will _____ the same as before.
(A) remain (B) return (C) reply (D) remind
24.( ) You'll _____ your health if you drink too much.
(A) serve (B) horn (C) ruin (D) carve
25.( ) The department store is having a sale. You can buy things at a lower _____.
(A) price (B) shot (C) coast (D) rhyme
26.( ) The department store will have a _____ of special sales to celebrate its opening on Sunday.
(A) series (B) supply (C) sort (D) service
27.( ) Jane _____ to major in accounting in college because she wishes to become an accountant.
(A) invades (B) impresses (C) intends (D) invites
28.( ) Lisa decided to _____ her studies in America after graduating from high school.
(A) describe (B) intend (C) continue (D) admire
29.( ) After the earthquake, people were worried about the _____ of their buildings.
- 科一模拟考试题c12011 > 台北市私立再兴中学92学年度第2学期高一英文科期末考试...
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