Chapter 13 The Country and its People
I. a brief introduction of Canada (the geography, population, culture, economy, languages etc.)
---1) the 2nd largest country in size with a small population,
2) has spectacular scenery of mountains, oceans, forests and prairies
3) has a lively and rich culture
4) one of the Big Seven(US, UK. Germany, France, Japan, Italy and Canada) in economy; has the best standards of living
5) most Canadians live in the south of the country, along the 49th parallels (纬度)
6) two official languages: English and French
7) first become a political entity (政治实体) in 1867 and did not assume its present shape until 1949 (直到1949年才具有目前的规模) (National Day: July 1st )
II. the Canadian identity
--- It refers to something which is distinctively Canadian, which is different from other countries, and which is the very reason for making Canada so special. For example, two official languages of English and French can be considered as part of the Canadian identity.
III. the regions of Canada
--- motto: Canada stretches "from sea to sea" with the Pacific Ocean along the west coast and the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast
---share with the U.S. the longest undefended national border in the world (加拿大和美国共享着世界上最长的不设防国界), a symbol of their good relations
---consists of 10 provinces and 3 territories
1. The north region of Canada (北部3区)
--- Canada extends up north into the Arctic Circle (北极圈)to the North pole. The north is a scarcely populated area of ice and oceans,which is sometimes called "the Land of the Midnight Sun"(午夜太阳之地). This region is currently divided into three administrative territories—the Yukon (育空地区) , the Northwest Territories and Nunavat(努勒维特地区 a territory carved from eastern part of the original Northwest Territories in 1999). And most of the inhabitants are Aboriginal people. The traditional economy in this region was based on hunting and trapping animals for food and pelts, but now oil and gas deposits are also being developed.
- 加拿大国家概况 > 英语国家文化概况2第四次辅导
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