指导教授:郭仓义 博士
吴仁和 博士
研究生: 施义雄 撰
As e-Learning has become an important trend for the training system of modern enterprises, there are many kinds of e-Learning system offered by different consulting companies with different specialties in Taiwan. To construct the best system, the enterprise must first find the real application in order to choose the optimum. The study, based on the purposes of enterprise requirement, tried to develop the methodology by using Multi-criteria Decision Making to help managers, the decision makers to evaluate an appropriate e-Learning project with a successful example of one famous "steel corporation" in their evaluation by this method. From our study, the foresight in planning e-Learning system with prudent evaluation by taking the enterprise's present situation, his real needs and the evaluation model of decision making into account can avoid the prejudice of decision makers and the excessive propaganda of consulting company which might result in an inapplicable project. To the very enterprise that tries to construct his e-Learning System effectively, the methodology of Multi-criteria Decision Making provides the sequence of system selection and references for evaluation of system construction.
Keywords:e-Learning;evaluation criteria;
multi-criteria decision making
志 谢 词