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  • 国立新竹师范学院美劳教育研究所硕士论文

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    文档语言:Traditional Chinese
    The Art of Hsiao, Ju -Sung: A Study of His Modernity
    指导教授:汪闻宾 研究生:魏志菁

    萧如松表现的人格特质是冷静节制,遵守原则,在他的绘画作品里,也有相 同的表现;虽然他也参与画会活动,与画友互动,但也就仅止於此了.在无法有 余钱买品质较好的画材,萧如松使用最便宜的材料,成就了不同於画坛主流人物 的作品. 萧如松接受了盐月桃甫,中西利雄,鄞廷宪,李泽藩等人片断的影响,学到 如何使用眼睛观察,锻鍊线条,画面光线的运用方式.萧如松善用笔触走向带动 画面的动感,对线条的掌握非常拿手,将随处可见的场景架构出一个属於自己的 宁静天地.萧如松常常运用电影的蒙太奇语言,将不同性质的视觉素材混在一 起,探索现实,重新观察存在的事物.无论是何种题材,萧如松似乎都将之视为 一个构图要素,也因此萧如松的静物画似乎最能成功表现他的创作理念. 现代性在萧如松的作品中是很明显的一个特质.从一八六○至一九七○年间 的时期,西方艺术反应社会的不确定感,在艺术流派兴起,沉寂的过程中,现代 艺术的发展变得为艺术而艺术,美已经被重新定义或甚至与美毫不相干,朝向形 式的方向去,对造型空间的概念有很大的变化.这样的特质传入日本,并挟著殖 民主义的现代化影响了台湾,台湾所表现的现代性是经过日本转化过的,与西方 的现代性已有差别.萧如松在这样被箝制的环境中,仍然发挥想像力与创造力创 作作品.台湾光复后,台湾美术界产生巨大变动,画会,现代主义西潮洗礼,乡 土的反思等等潮流,萧如松都能有所回应与坚持,并表现在其作品中,建构了台 湾美术台湾美术「现代性」的在地观点.
    Abstract The Art of Hsiao, Ju -Sung: A Study of His Modernity
    Hsiao Ju-Sung's paintings reflect several of his characteristics, calm, abstemious and meticulous. His major social activities that were merely consisted of attending particular arts societies and communicating with certain friends also reveal such a simple style of his life. Early in life, Hsiao Ju-Sung learned techniques and ideas of paintings form his teachers, including Toho Shiozuki, Toshio Nakanishi, Yin Ting-Xian and Lee Tze-Fan. Later, he developed his own style. Hsiao Ju-Sung was famous at applying brushworks to create vivid pieces, especially in his still life ones. He combined different visual components to express his ideal realistic compositions, which were similar to photomontage. The works of Hsiao Ju-Sung show modernity definitely. Form 1860 to 1970; the Western art reflects the uncertainty of the society. The development of modern became "art for art's sake", even to the form development, and this influences what people think of spaces. The tread of modernity spreads to Japan first. And with the colonialism, the trend of modernity is carried to Taiwan, too. Hsiao Ju-Sung cultivates his art at this time. Although life is restricted his works still show great imagination and creativity. After the retrocession of Taiwan, both modernism and provincialism are quite prevailing. Although Hsiao Ju-Sung is influenced, he still has his own insistence.


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