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  • PS84/TENDER/05/09

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    Ref. No.: PS84/TENDER/05/09 By Registered Mail
    1st April 2010
    The Manager
    Dear Sirs, INVITATION TO TENDER TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY/SERVICE of 2010 English Summer Course 1. You are invited to tender for the supply of the items as specified in the enclosed tender schedule. If you are not prepared to accept a partial order, please state this clearly on the tender schedule. Please be reminded that "The bidder, its employees and agents shall not offer any advantage (as defined in the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance, Cap. 201) to the school employees, SMC/IMC members, or any parent or student representative in a committee responsible for considering any matters in relation to this contract. Any such offer by the bidder or its employees or agent may constitute an offence under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance and may render the contract null and void. The school may also cancel the contract awarded and hold the bidder liable for any loss or damage the school may sustain." The school and its staff would not accept advantages in any way from suppliers and contractors. Late tenders will not be accepted. Your tender will remain open for 90 days from the "Closing Date", and you may consider your tender to be unsuccessful if no order is placed with you within these 90 days. You are requested to note that unless Part II of the tender form is completed, the tender will not be considered. If you are unable or do not wish to tender, it would be appreciated if you would return this letter and the tender forms with reason to the school address at your earliest convenience. Tenders will be accepted on an *'overall'/'group'/'itemized' basis. Cont' P.2…
    3. 4.
    …Cont' Ref. No.: PS84/TENDER/05/09 7. 8. This letter requires the Principal's signature with pen or ball pen. Principal's chop is invalid.
    Your sealed tender, in duplicate, should be clearly marked on the outside envelope: Tender for the supply / service of 2010 English Summer Course .


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