• 什么系克普通系 > 机械工程学系
  • 机械工程学系

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    文档语言:Traditional Chinese
    文档作者:FONG YUEN WAH
    Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Date: Time: Venue: 27 October 2009 (Tuesday) 11:00 am -12:00 pm EF 305, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    Selective Use of High Performance Cementitious Composites in Concrete Structures Prof. Christopher K.Y. L P f Ch i t h K Y Leung
    Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, HKUST Abstract:
    To enhance the performance of concrete structures and to extend their lifetime, there have been continuing research efforts to improve the various p p g p properties of concrete, including its strength, , g g , workability, toughness and transport behavior. Materials with better performance, however, are often much more expensive than conventional concrete. In view of the large volume of materials employed in infrastructure projects, it is important to come up with novel designs in which more costly materials are only used in selected parts of the structure to achieve the highest performance/cost. To illustrate this concept, high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites (HPFRCC) are used as examples. Depending on the composition, HPFRCC can be designed to have very high ductility (up to 5% in direct tension) or very high strength (above 150 MPa in compression). In this talk, we will cover the design principles of both high ductility d hi h d ili and high strength cementitious composites. The applications of these materials in real world projects h ii i h li i f h i l i l ld j are described. Recent research results on the use of HPFRCC in (i) the fabrication of permanent formwork for concrete structures, (ii) the resisting of tensile splitting at regions of localized stresses (such as the anchorage region in post-tensioned members), and (iii) the joint between pre-cast concrete components, are then presented. With various examples, we hope to demonstrate that advancements in materials can make possible the design of new structures that are performing better, more durable and easier to construct.


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