• 如何塑造护理职业形象美 > 加强护理医学生仪表美的培养
  • 加强护理医学生仪表美的培养

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    一90 一 中国医学伦理学2005年12月第18卷第6期总第 104期
    (丽水学院医学部,浙江 丽水 323000
    护生参加社会实践和校园文化活动,加 强护生礼 仪规范的教 育和仪表 美的培养.
    〔中图分类号]R47 〔文献标识码) A [文章编号〕tool一8565(2005)06 -0090一03
    Enhance the Cultivation of Nursing Students'Good Appearance
    Wang Qiufen
    ( Medical Department, Lishui University, Lishui, 323000, China)
    Abstract; This article discusses a nurse's -professional character, which is an organic combo of kind soul and
    good appearance, and the good appearance is not only necessary to patients' mentality, but also the requirement
    from employer. From investigation and analysis, it is found that some nursing students are short of good
    appearance. In the author's opinion, besides professional morality, specialty theory and operational capability, the
    medical school should pay attention to the cultivation of students' good appearance in nursing ethnics teaching
    Furthermore, by giving the electives courses, such as Nursing Aesthetics, Etipuette, and Art Enjoying, the nursing
    students can be encouraged to take part in different leagues and campus culture activities. It will enhance the
    education of nursing students'amenity, and the cultivation of their good appearance.
    Key words; Nursing students; Good appearance; Cultivation
    圣 洁燕尾帽 、素雅的护士服 ,心地善 良、仪态优美 、语言温
    柔 、技术熟练 ,这便 是人们心 目中美丽端 庄的"白衣天使 "形象.护 士,是爱 的使者 ,美的化 身 ,是 生命的 守护神 ."白衣
    天使 "的比喻说明护士的职业 形象是心灵美 和仪表美 的有 机
    结合 .仪表美是 一个综合 概念 ,它 包括三 个层次 的含 义:其一,仪表是指人 的容貌 、形体 、体态、姿势等 的协调优美 ;其二是指经过修饰打扮以及后 天环境的影响形成 的美;其三仪 表
    是一个美好高尚的内心世 界和旺盛的生命活 力的外在体 现,
    举止端庄、态度和蔼 ,就 会给患者以振奋和信赖 .反之 ,会给患者以心理压抑和产生不信任感.所以护理人员 的举 止仪 表
    是社会 主义护理 道德规范的重要方面.
    1 国内外护理教育对护理人员仪表美的要求


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