ac yaitohc nimetzcait ac yay-tohc ni-metzc at-Y pure man-PL DEF-two be-ICMP puros hombres los dos P. 47 47-1. Hoo Maiteit, to ncaoiait heetun tzou
hox-cop-tzou - -way
you-CAU-penetrate -CMP you-your body he his-anus in Penetrastes con to parte su vaso posterior 47-5. Tuuc ochia heetun nhatquei moot tuuc yai:
YASUGIA Studyof the Mixe Language the Eighteenth of Century: Confesonario lengua en Mixe Quintana by 47-6. Huixontzou to huixOn-tzou tO how-way PER De que manera ixtuin moot huinc yaitohc ix-tun-Y moot huinc yay-tohc you-do-CMP with other man-PL has hecho con otros hombres
47-7. Hunaa ait to ntoin vel TO nmaich y nicx,
conom ypitzoim Otzn noo. Hunaa ait tO npoctaic otzn nicx conom y-pitzom-Y Otz-n noo hunaa-ait to n-poc-tac-Y Otz-n nicx until it-go out-CMP I-my water sometimes PER I-put-CMP I-my body Algunas veces he puesto mi parte hee ypui acuuc. vel Puiacuucap, etz ypitzoim otzn noo. hee y-puy a-cuuc vel puy-acuuc-ap etz y-pitzom-Y otz-n noo he his-thigh other-center and it-gou out-CMP I-my water inter crura illius, y tenido polucion. P. 48(S. 59) 48-1. YO yaitohc, tOphee ix- // motuin yoo pocpa, yoo yay-tOhc, to-phee ix-me-tun-Y yoo pocpa that man-PL that you-with-do-CMP that sin Esos hombres, con quienes cometistes esos pecados toixpuic hai it, is naituuc hai toix-puc-Y hay it is nay-tuuc hay woman-receive-CMP person be or RCP-one person eran casados, o solteros 48-2. Ac onaac naitumba it, ixta Otz. ac onaac nay-tun-pa it, ixta Otz pure child RCP-do-AG be as I Todos eran muchachos solteros, como yo. 387