• :如何面对心理危机和心理压力 > 心理健康/社区服务资料(华语)
  • 心理健康/社区服务资料(华语)

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    Mental Health Association
    Vancouver-Burnaby Branch
    175 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1P4
    604-872-4902 Fax 604-872-5934
    Chinese Mental Health Service Resource List
    1. 你的家庭医生 Your Family Doctor
    家庭医生可以协助你处理情绪问题,包括药物治疗及转介服务.如果你要找一位新的家庭医生,可电 1-800-461-
    3008 查询或从右方网页查阅.To find a new family doctor, go to website www.cpsbc.ca/node/216 or call 1-800-461-3008
    2. 卑诗省心理学会心理学家
    Finding a Chinese speaking Psychologist through BC Psychological Association
    电话: 604-730-0522 (英语查询)/ 网页: www.psychologists.bc.ca/drupal/content/find-help
    (可电话提供会讲华语注册心理学家资料,也可从以上网页查阅.From the website above, you can find a Chinese
    speaking Psychologist.)
    3. 卑诗省心理谘商师学会
    Finding a Chinese speaking Counsellor through BC Association of Clinical Counsellors
    电话: 1-800-909-6303(英语查询)/ 网页: www.bc-counsellors.org/irmdirectory1.aspx
    (可电话提供会讲华语注册心理谘商师资料,也可从以上网页查阅.From the website above, you can find a Chinese
    speaking clinical Counsellor.)
    4. 温哥华社区心理卫生局 Vancouver Community Mental Health Services, Vancouver Coastal Health
    温哥华精神健康医疗中心 Vancouver Mental Health Teams
    电话:604-874-7626(英语查询各区精神医疗中心 Call to check for a mental health team in your area)
    地区医疗中心的联络资料.各服务中心都有会讲华语的心理健康专业人士或协助传译者.They provide treatment,
    rehabilitation, and specialized services to adults with a serious mental illness. Psychological counseling is also available to
    children and adolescents with serious behavioural disorders and their families. They have Chinese-speaking
    温哥华儿童及青少年心理健康服务 Vancouver Child & Youth Mental Health Services
    电话:604-675-3895 (英语查询)
    译者.They serve children, youth (18 and under) and their families with serious mental health difficulties and/or social,


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